Fort Shafter, Hawaii

Fort Shafter is one of the oldest U.S. Army bases in the country and is located in Honolulu Hawaii. Fort Shafter is home to major Army elements including, the headquarters of United States Army Pacific Command and 8th Theater Sustainment Command, which has its own General Court-Martial Convening Authority (GCMCA). Many Army elements that are located here are also located on Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. If you are stationed on Fort Shafter, Hawaii and are facing court-martial, you will be sent to the courthouse for the Hawaii Army Trial Judiciary, which is located on Wheeler Army Air Field directly adjacent to Schofield Barracks.

As a former Army JAG lawyer who was stationed on Schofield Barracks, Hawaii and a practicing civilian military lawyer currently located in Hawaii, Natanyah Ganz has experience assisting hundreds of Soldiers accused of sexual assault, facing CID investigation, rebutting GOMORs, and facing officer eliminations. If you are a Service Member facing any type of legal issue, call to speak to one of our court-martial lawyers today for a free and confidential case evaluation.  (808)358-7318.

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