Fort Benning, Georgia

US Army Fort Benning straddles Alabama and Georgia and is located near the busy Georgia city of Columbus, Georgia. Fort Benning Georgia is the busiest training post in the Army. It is home to the Armor School, the Infantry School, the Western Hemisphere Center of Excellence, ranger school, Airborne School, Jumpmaster School, Basic Combat Training, Army Officer Candidate School (the company commander course), and many other training programs. It is also home to elements of the 75th Ranger Regiment and 3d Brigade Combat Team on Kelly Hill. Fort Benning Georgia is an Army post that houses such a large a cross section of a combat infantry and training (FORSCOM and TRADOC), it creates an environment ripe for abuse and alleged criminal misconduct.

There is a lot of traditional criminal misconduct that allegedly occurs here such as: violations of Article 120, UCMJ to include rape, sexual assault, abusive sexual contact; violations of Article 120b UCMJ sexual offenses involving children; and Article 120c, UCMJ other sexual misconduct. However, much of the alleged misconduct that occurs here such as hazing and maltreatment of subordinates is predominantly found in training environments due to the unique power dynamic that exists.

Fort Benning Georgia is also an Army post within the specific military law expertise of the military attorneys at Law Office of Natanyah Ganz.

As a former LTC, Charles Kuhfahl was Fort Benning Georgia’s head military judge from 2012-2014. There he presided over all manner of cases. In the process he became intricately familiar with the innerworkings of the criminal justice system and panel deliberations specific to military law at Fort Benning Georgia.

As a former JAG Captain, Natanyah Ganz was one of Fort Benning’s trial counsel (military’s term for prosecutor) from 2013-2015. In this capacity she worked on and litigated a vast array of criminal cases that ranged from larceny, to rape, to homicide.

If you are stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia and are facing a court-martial, are being investigated, or are accused of a military offense, this is no military lawyer better equipped to win your case than one from the team at Law Office of Natanyah Ganz. Call us now to speak to one of our experienced Fort Benning Georgia military lawyers at (808)358-7318

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